Being snowed in and isolated due to a heavy snowfall can lead to feelings of loneliness and even depression. Here are some strategies to help you stay positive and combat those feelings during such times: Are You Smarter Than a 6st Grader? Remember that it’s normal to have moments of sadness or frustration when snowed […]

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Introduction Depression is a complex and pervasive mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. While it is commonly treated with psychotherapy and medication, there is growing evidence to suggest that dietary changes can also play a significant role in managing and even preventing depression. This article explores the relationship between depression and dietary […]

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Researchers are still researching the link between preservatives in food and depression, but there is evidence that suggests a relationship. ·  Inflammation Certain food additives like artificial colors and certain additives have been linked to increased inflammation within the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked with various mental conditions including depression. ·  Gut Brain Axis: New evidence indicates […]

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