The term “Bipolar depression” refers to a disorder characterized by sudden and major mood swings. A person may look and feel confident and happy at one moment, but shortly thereafter shows signs of feeling defeat and failure. This change can be quite abrupt, and mood swings can happen regularly. It’s not uncommon for people with bi-polar depression to experience these episodes daily, without any specific reason.

Irrational behavior is often observed when dealing with a person suffering from bi-polar depression. Both their high and low points on the mood spectrum are often approached within close spans of one another.

An occasion of euphoria could cause a person with bipolar to believe they are incapable of defeat, deciding to gamble uncontrollably during this period. They do so without regard for their financial state, or the consequences of their actions.

As the euphoria swings rapidly to the other end of the spectrum, the depressive state, that same person will recall their brief time of euphoria. This results in them feeling an even more intense depression.

There are endless arrays of various possibilities in a bipolar person’s life, and the example above is just an example of one particular scenario. Lesser degrees of the same pattern occur regularly, and often in an alternating pattern. Such experiences can be both confusing and extremely tiring for the person living with the condition, as well as for their family, friends, and co-workers.

The condition of bipolar depression can also be brought on by various forms of substance abuse. A diagnosis of this condition is becoming more and more evident among drug users, to the point where researchers are studying the possible relationship between the two.

While bipolar disorder is a quite complex condition, there is treatment available for those who choose to follow the regimen. It’s possible for them to get their lives back on track if they agree to take the recommended medication, as well as attend prescribed sessions of psychotherapy. This therapy will help the patient not only understand the disorder, but recognize the onset of episodes.

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