This common type of depression occurs as an extension of normal upset feelings following a loss of some kind. When these feelings are prolonged or become more severe, the person becomes depressed. People can also be diagnosed with this depression if their symptoms cannot be categorized into any other specific form of depressive disorder. Symptoms […]

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Almost everyone have heard the hit single ‘Don’t Worry, Be Happy’ by Bobby McFerrin. The song has a very catchy way of conveying its message of being happy to everyone. Bobby Mcferiin’s simple message surely made a lot of people by telling them not to worry. Living a happy, resilient and optimistic life is wonderful, […]

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This is one of those topics that people give close attention. It is actually empowering. When you know the causes of an illness, you are more self-aware. The power is in your hands at that point to be proactive. Depression is an illness that mostly results from an imbalance of chemicals in the brain. These […]

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There are many great ways of improving yourself. One of these ways is to look for the positive attributes you possess and appreciating that part of you. Another important way of becoming a better person is by acknowledging your weaknesses and actively working on improving. These two methods of self-improvement define what it means to […]

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Clare was addicted to the Home Shopping network. After she maxed out her remaining credit cards following her divorce, she then started ordering goods and charging them to her daughter’s credit card. Her daughter Molly almost has a coronary when she saw her next bill. A frugal young woman, she was expecting only $42.97 for […]

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 When you build courage, you start to improve your personal life. Building courage will help you take risks to a brighter future that you ordinarily would not take. When you build courage, you put fear behind you. courage is the process of admitting that you have fears, yet you are willing to find a way […]

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Mental health professionals tend to approach their subject from one of two quite different perspectives. Some regard mental health problems as a biological disorder or malfunction. This is the approach that is emphasized within medical models of illness, and by psychiatrists. Psychologists are more likely to look at the psychosocial and cognitive factors. So where […]

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