One of the ways to battle back from depression is to fight with food. What you eat can improve or tear down your body. It is crucial for a depressed person to use food in a positive way. What is it about comfort foods? We eat them until we are stuffed to the gills. Why? […]

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Physical illness and injury, accidents and disasters, or falling victim to crime are all traumatic events that can trigger depression. A typical reaction to traumas like these is a sense of shock that distances us from reality. Usually these feelings subside, sometimes in a few hours, sometimes over a few days or even weeks. Some […]

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One of the side effects of being depressed is feeling helpless. But, you don’t have to feel that way anymore. There are changes that you can make to help aid in your recovery. Changing your diet is important for curbing your symptoms. When depression occurs, there is an imbalance of neurotransmitters in the brain. The […]

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When a person is diagnosed with depression, the health care professional will discuss treatment. It will almost always include medicine (antidepressants) but also other steps that you can take to deal with the condition. You don’t have to try alternative therapies but following a few self-help steps will make a huge difference in the outcome. […]

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In psychology and psychiatry there is much disagreement on many issues, and the question of a ‘depressive personality’ is one of them. Does a depressive personality exist? There is some evidence to suggest that personality sometimes plays a role in depressive illness. However, there are also scenarios in which personality seems more or less irrelevant. […]

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Medical professionals such as psychiatrists are more likely to emphasise the biological and biochemical factors involved in depressive illness. Psychologists and sociologists tend to pay more attention to the ways in which people think about the world and to the terrible experiences the world sometimes dishes out to us. Though almost all mental health professionals […]

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Manic depression or Bipolar depression is actually considered as one of the worst type of depression that people usually suffer from. Characterized by sudden and extreme changes in their mood, Manic depression is said to be called as such because manic = mania refers to the ‘ups’ while depression refers to the ‘downs’. A lot […]

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Not all of the self-help books on the shelves today are hokum. Many offer real advice from real doctors who want to help those who suffer from depression. Take a trip to the bookstore or the library and settle in with some light reading to ease your mind. The Library At the library, you can […]

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