Researchers are still researching the link between preservatives in food and depression, but there is evidence that suggests a relationship.

·  Inflammation Certain food additives like artificial colors and certain additives have been linked to increased inflammation within the body. Chronic inflammation has been linked with various mental conditions including depression.

·  Gut Brain Axis: New evidence indicates that gut microbiome is crucial to mental health. Some food additives can disrupt gut bacteria balance, affecting mood and behavior.

·  The Neurotransmitters. Some food additives can interfere with neurotransmitters such as serotonin or dopamine. These are linked closely to mood regulation.

You should be familiar with common food preservers. Additives to be aware of include:

·  Artificial Sweeteners: Found mainly in sugar-free diet products and sodas.

·  Artificial colors: Used as colorings in soft drinks and snacks, including candies.

·  Nitrites/Nitrates of Sodium: Found in meats such as bacon, sausages and hotdogs.

·  Monosodium Glutamate (MSG): Used to enhance the flavor of many processed food.

·  Butylated Hydroxyanisole (BHA) and Butylated Hydroxytoluene (BHT):Antioxidants in packaged food.

Consider these dietary options to reduce your risk of mental illness from food preservatives.

·  Select Whole Foods: Pick fresh whole foods like fruits, vegetables and grains. They are also less likely to have additives.

·  Check Labels. Before buying food, carefully read the labels. Select products that contain fewer chemicals and additives.

·  Prepare Meals at Home: By preparing meals yourself, you have more control of the ingredients and can reduce your exposure to preservatives.

·  Moderation Consume foods that contain additives in moderation, and combine them with unprocessed, nutrient dense foods.

Although more research needs to be done, evidence is mounting that there may be a link between preservatives in food and depression. It is possible to support your mental well-being by being mindful about your food choices. Diet is only one part of your mental health. It should also be taken into consideration along with other aspects such as physical activity, stress management, and sleep.

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