While many of us are aware of some of the emotional symptoms caused by depression, not everyone knows there are often physical symptoms as well. Many people diagnosed with depression have accompanying pain or other forms of physical symptoms.

Some of these are:

* Headaches. These are fairly common in people with depression, especially if you were prone to migraines before your diagnosis of depression.

* Back pain. Another ailment which can worsen with a diagnosis of depression.

* Muscle aches and joint pain. Depression can possibly make any chronic pain worse.

* Chest pain. For obvious reasons, it’s important to have any chest pain checked by a physician immediately. While it could potentially be a heart attack, chest pain is also a known ailment associated with depression.

* Digestive issues. You might feel queasy or nauseous. Diarrhea or chronic constipation are also possibilities.

* Fatigue. Even with adequate amounts of sleep, you may still feel tired. In some cases, getting out of bed is even impossible.

* Sleep problems. Many people with depression have difficulty obtaining proper sleep. Some can’t fall asleep easily or wake too early. Others sleep much longer than is necessary.

* Dizziness or lightheadedness.

Many people suffering from these issues never get the help they require, simply because they don’t realize their physical symptoms might be caused by depression. Even some doctors may miss the link. These physical symptoms aren’t “all in your head.” Depression can cause real changes in your body. For instance, it can slow down your digestion, which can result in stomach problems.

Treating Physical Symptoms

In most cases, treating your depression – with therapy, medicine or both – will resolve the physical symptoms. Make sure to discuss any physical symptoms with your health care provider. These may need additional treatment. For instance, your doctor may suggest anti-anxiety medicine to help your insomnia.

Certain depression treatments can also help with painful symptoms. Certain types of focused therapy – like cognitive behavioral – can teach you ways to cope better with the pain.


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